About Us

who we are

Learn About Us

TeamEnvironment Kenya is a dedicated non-profit organization comprising of volunteers and representatives from various sectors including corporate organizations, social enterprises, youth and women groups, schools, institutions of higher learning, community members, and other institutions/organizations. Our focus is on promoting green initiatives and environmental conservation as a means to combat global warming and achieve Climate Action SDG No. 13 and Life on Land SDG No. 15.

We believe in leaving a legacy for future generations of a cleaner, greener, and more secure environment for flora, fauna, and aquatic life. This philosophy guides our mandate to promote sustainable development and green lifestyles. We strive to create clean and green homes, workplaces, communities, towns, counties, and ultimately find lasting solutions to protect the planet for both present and future generations. We align our efforts with the sustainable development goals (SDGs) to ensure a habitable planet for all.

Our organization is actively engaged in various environmental conservation initiatives, including reforestation, agro-forestry, conservation agriculture, tree planting, and solid waste management through our My 3R’s Initiative (Refuse, Reuse, and Recycle). We also promote other best practices in greening and environmental conservation that encourage private-public-community partnerships at the community level. Our ultimate goal is to leave behind a legacy of a livable, peaceful, green, and clean environment for all, now and for future generations. We strive to contribute to a more sustainable future through the protection of biodiversity, natural resources management, and restoration efforts.

what keeps us going

Our Core Values

The core guiding principles for the achievement of the TEK Mission are individual and organizational virtues including the following among many others

To be the most resourceful national network of cross-sector and multi-stakeholder actors committed to creating a green legacy in the conservation and protection of biodiversity and ecosystem services enhancement.

To foster climate change adaptation and mitigation by catalyzing community-level interventions that enhances well-being, livelihood security, environmental conservation and sustainable asset-based community development.